Bandai’s “Mobility Joint Gundam” lineup is a series of plastic action model kits with various interchangeable parts and stickers! Strike Gundam and Strike Rouge from “Mobile Suit Gundam Seed,” Gundam Caliburn from “Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury,” and G-3 Gundam from “Mobile Suit Gundan MSV” are partly new models! Strike Gundam can be enhanced and expanded to Perfect Strike Gundam by adding the EX parts, too! There are eight different items to collect and trade, randomly packed in boxes of ten; each comes with a piece of soda-flavored gum. Order yours today!
- [Figure Size]: Approximately 7cm x 5cm
- [Materials]: ABS
- Strike Gundam
- Strike Rouge
- Gundam Caliburn
- G-3 Gundam
- EX parts for Strike Gundam
- EX parts for Strike Rouge
- EX parts for Gundam Caliburn
- EX parts for G-3 Gundam
Important note about the variation of this product: These items are marked as “trading kits” ala “trading cards.” The packages are sealed and the items are randomly packed. Because of this, it is impossible for HobbyLink Japan to handle requests for specific figures, and we cannot promise which figure you will receive in a box. Please place your order for this item only if you are willing to receive any one of the different types.
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